What's New At The Great New York State Fair!

It’s opening day for the Great New York State Fair! The 13 day event, which runs through Labor Day, offers something for everyone. In fact, this year, the fair will offer some new exhibits, food, and names that will surely draw some interest! Below is some of the new things that will be showing up at the Fair:

•The International Building will now be called The Eatery. Fair officials said that the old name was too ambiguous for new fairgoers;

•The Broadway Bubble Express will make us debut. The 5 car trains, which can hold 18 people, will travel the length of Broadway with stops along the way. Rides are $3/person;

•Santa and his reindeer will visit on August 25th for Christmas in August;

•New food items will include bacon wrapped hot dogs topped with Mac and Cheese, chicken and waffle pizzas, cotton candy ice cream burritos, and the “Sudden Death,” a bacon wrapped, Mac and Cheese stuffed burger!

•Comic Con Day where fairgoers can come dressed as their favorite comic book character and gain entrance to the fair for just $1.

There will be many other new items on the Fair agenda so be prepared to have an awesome time!

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