Driver Was Going In Reverse Circles For An Hour? Yes! The Driver Was A Dog!

Neighbors in Port St. Lucie, Florida were wondering why the driver of a car was driving in reverse circles for about an hour. Well it turns out that the driver wasn’t a person, it was a dog!

It seems that the owner of the car got out and left the motor running. The dog in the car accidentally knocked the car into reverse which sent the car in motion in circles! The police were finally able to get a code to open the door, stop the car, and rescue the dog.

Anne Sabol, a resident in the neighborhood, said that the dog was doing a good job driving in circles until he hit a mailbox, at which time he proceeded to hit some garbage cans, and some bricks in front of a home. At that point, the police got the rogue driver out of the car without further damage! Too funny!

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